Our activities

What Happens in Plockton and Kyle Free Church?

We like to meet together!  Our worship and teaching services take place on Sundays at Kyle 10:30am, 5:30pm and also on the third Sunday of the month in Plockton at 12:15pm.
Our young people’s activities run during the Kyle morning services, for ages 0 – 17, consisting of creche, Sunday School and Bible Class.

We also run evenings to help people in the community explore Christianity further, and have a Wednesday night meeting in Kyle which may be a group bible study, prayer meeting, or opportunity to hear from a visiting church worker from another part of the world.

Our community cafe runs every Friday in Kyle Free Church hall from 10:30am until 2pm to which everyone is welcome.

With close working relationships between other local churches we are able to cooperate in a range of important interdenominational initiatives including regular joint services and youth work.

To find out more about any of our activities, please get in touch.