Jesus promised that we will see God if our hearts are pure. He also said that out of our hearts come all kinds of impurities. So, is this a promise…
There is the obvious thing: we are to be merciful. There are the hidden things: who it is who needs mercy first, and who we are to be merciful to.…
1 Corinthians 2v12 - those with the Spirit of God know what God has freely given to them. Let us grasp what God has freely given and that God really…
We know what hunger pangs feel like. Do you know what hunger-for-righteousness pangs are like? We try to see this beatitude through Jesus' eyes. He was hungry for food in…
Meekness is not weakness. What is it? What do the meek inherit? Who do they inherit from? These questions are answered as we see what a blessed promise Jesus makes…
Do we imagine that on the Day of Judgement God will put His case and we will put ours? Will we even speak at all?
None of us wants to mourn. When we do we want to be able to face our sorrows with the hope of comfort. Jesus shows us how we can do…
The start of a short series on the Beatitudes. These are the Christian counter-cultural promises given by Jesus to His church. It turns out being poor in spirit isn't such…
Saul of Tarsus marched up to Damascus full of his own strength. He was going to show God what he could do. He retreated in weakness, while God worked in…
Who am I? We might ask that for many reasons. To help us answer it we might look at the family photo album. There are many wonderful pictures in the…