Everything we are is for God. We don't own anything. Property ownership is an illusion! Our time, gifts, body and mind are all God's and for Him. We think about…
Christians will be judged. The itemised bill is paid in full by Jesus, but it will probably contain many surprises. We may expect the 7 deadly sins to feature largely,…
Illustrations from our own lives show how difficult it is to love our enemies. We see how we must do it for the sake of their salvation. We see how…
Jesus prays for His people to be one. Historically and locally they have not been. What Christian unity is, and why it matters - mission. A vision for the benefits…
We all dream. Should we seek meaning in our ordinary dreams? What source should we found our lives on? Would we know if God was speaking to us in a…
Good foundations are crucial. The apostles are the foundation of the church and of our Christian lives. Jesus prays for the apostles to fulfil their foundational role, that they would…
Sleep is used as a metaphor in the bible for 2 things: spiritual sleep (being unaware of the spiritual realities around us) and death (the body sleeping in the 'cemetery'…
At the beginning of Jesus' great prayer we get a glimpse of who He considers Himself to be: Son, Sacrifice, Supreme, servant, Sovereign, Superabundant, Sharing, Successful, Savouring. John clearly came…
Worrying about something when we should be sleeping is a dismal experience. The bible shows people worrying and losing sleep over their vulnerability, work, money, suffering and spiritual concern. Yet…
The disciples hadn't got off the ground in prayer. Have we? Maybe we need to Repent of Prayerlessness, Recognise the Father's Love for us, Realise the more we look like…