God is Light. This is John's summary of Jesus' message. We do not yet see the purity and glory of the light of God. We need to be aware of…
What to do when you don't expect to get much from the preacher (or from the passage, the book, the reading notes, or even from life).
We look for leaders to save us from the human mess. Jehoshaphat has so far looked like a good saviour. He is devoted both to the LORD and to his…
400 said one thing; 1 said another. Who did Jehoshaphat believe? This is about seeking truth when it is hard to find. Finding truth is essential because truth always comes…
Jehoshaphat - Foundations What is the best foundation for a fruitful life? What are the best foundations for a country to flourish? It's all found in the story of Jehoshaphat!
The heart of this series on Hebrews 10v19-25 has been to see the privilege we have in being able to draw near to God through Jesus. As we close the…
Today we marvel at the love Jesus has shown to us by serving as our Great Priest. Then we see how that means we also can serve as priests. What,…
Why have we spent several weeks learning about the priesthood and sacrifice of Jesus? So that we can make full use of it! We focus today on how we must…
We usually think about the gospel in terms of Jesus. The New Testament uses the phrase "The Gospel of God" as often as the phrase "The Gospel of Jesus (Christ)".…
In this series we are going through Hebrews 10v19-22. We've discovered how Jesus' priesthood and sacrifice empowers us to live in the presence of God. But what if we have…