In this part of the psalm David relishes the relationship he has with the LORD - that the LORD is near when David calls. Let us also praise God for…
It is absolutely amazing that we are here now to listen to this message. Listen on and find fresh reasons to praise the LORD for His preservation.
What is it like to live under the absolute monarchy of our Great and Good God? We find reasons for praise!
The more power a person has the more important it is that they have good character. So God's character is most important of all. This psalm celebrates the fact of…
In this part of Psalm 145 David ... * Tells people about God * Tells God about People * Tells God about himself Let's see why this is an electrifying…
Here's a psalm to lift our hearts in praise to God! We begin looking at vs 1,2,21 - the 'slices of bread around the sandwich filling' of the psalm. David…