Paul and Barnabas disagree about whether to take Mark on a return journey to the churches they planted on the first missionary journey. Nevertheless they maintain their unity, keep their…
In prayer we express our devotion to Jesus as Lord. What does it mean that He is Lord? We recognise His Lordship through love, obedience, resignation and doxology (l.o.r.d.).
Jesus was willing to lay down His life for us. Barnabas was willing to lay down his life for the people he urged to receive Jesus. Do we cling to…
Becoming a Christian begins a journey of discovery into God's grace. Because of grace God saves unlikely people, shows no favouritism and saves us through Jesus. It is easy to…
1 John promises answered prayer if we ask according to God's will. Jesus promises answered prayer if we have faith. Therefore we can only have true faith if we are…
Barnabas was a Good Man. If we want to be good we need to store goodness up consistently. If we do this we will be trusted with greater things, we…
Who We Are
We are a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland, based in the communities of Kyle and Plockton.
Contact Us
roddie(put 'at' symbol here)
Luskentyre, Badicaul
By Kyle, Ross-shire
IV40 8BB