Jesus Calls Us to Himself

18 February 2024
How easily we lose our focus as Christians! So soon we take our eyes of Jesus and focus on routines, rituals, duties and expectations. This is a reminder that Jesus…
The start of a new series about Jesus our amazing Priest. What is a priest? Why do we need one? Why can't we be our own priests? We see how…

Some Blessed Hope

11 February 2024
The title is taken from a poem by Thomas Hardy. We have a blessed hope in the resurrection to come. We take a tour around 1 Corinthians 15 as it…
Expected soon before the Scottish Parliament is the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill. These days our society is trying many new and unprecedented approaches to life. What…
God has no favouritism, so we should have none, either towards others or in how we view ourselves. A rich topic to explore!
Today we ask how bad human nature is. We use both the bible and experience to confirm the answer. We also see how God responds to keep us from worse…
This is a message about speaking to others about Jesus and trying to do it in a way that communicates urgency. We think about why we should be urgent and…
The story of Jesus and the rich young man is an encounter which exposes the deep problems in human nature which hide subtly in our lives. We have seen in…
We have seen how human nature left to itself gets into bad places. By nature our pride, blindness, self-deceit, desires for pleasure, willingness to step outside of our God-given role,…
The story of Jesus healing 10 lepers but only one returns to Him to give thanks. What was the difference in his heart from the other 9? We follow the…
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Who We Are

We are a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland, based in the communities of Kyle and Plockton.

Contact Us

roddie(put 'at' symbol here)

Luskentyre, Badicaul
By Kyle, Ross-shire
IV40 8BB