It is only when we are ready to die for Jesus in everyday life, that we can really be free to live for Him.
This message comes out of a visit to the San Sebastian Catacombs just south of Rome. It reflects on the history of the catacombs, Christian burial, Christian symbolism (anchor, fish…
Paul and Barnabas disagree about whether to take Mark on a return journey to the churches they planted on the first missionary journey. Nevertheless they maintain their unity, keep their…
In prayer we express our devotion to Jesus as Lord. What does it mean that He is Lord? We recognise His Lordship through love, obedience, resignation and doxology (l.o.r.d.).
1 John promises answered prayer if we ask according to God's will. Jesus promises answered prayer if we have faith. Therefore we can only have true faith if we are…
We trusted God for something, prayed for it and it didn't happen. We're disappointed in God. Is that ever justified? How do we overcome it?
Christians are to pray continually. Often we don't because of problems in our relationship with God. We'll look at some of these problems and how to resolve them. Tonight we…