What to do when you don't expect to get much from the preacher (or from the passage, the book, the reading notes, or even from life).
We usually think about the gospel in terms of Jesus. The New Testament uses the phrase "The Gospel of God" as often as the phrase "The Gospel of Jesus (Christ)".…
This message accompanies a Lent study many in the church have been following: Robin Ham's book Finding Mercy on the Way of Sorrow, which takes us through the book of…
Jesus said 'Come to me' on various occasions, and He promised much to whoever did come. Who is the 'me' who makes the invitation? Jesus! Yes, but who knows who…
How easily we lose our focus as Christians! So soon we take our eyes of Jesus and focus on routines, rituals, duties and expectations. This is a reminder that Jesus…
The title is taken from a poem by Thomas Hardy. We have a blessed hope in the resurrection to come. We take a tour around 1 Corinthians 15 as it…
God has no favouritism, so we should have none, either towards others or in how we view ourselves. A rich topic to explore!
This is a message about speaking to others about Jesus and trying to do it in a way that communicates urgency. We think about why we should be urgent and…
Jesus knew why He had come. And so when Peter urged Him to stay and continue to meet the same people's needs He firmly insisted on going somewhere else. We…