We look with awe upon Jesus' relationship with His Father. In this short series we want to discover for ourselves how Jesus shows us the way to a rich relationship…
God is love. We do our best to describe the indescribable here. God's love is not comparable to human love. It stands alone and needs understood on its own terms.…
Is our relationship with God at an impasse? The issue is always our lack of holiness. So, to be close to God and enjoy the beauty of His holy fellowship…
Jesus says we have no choice about this: we must become like very little children or we won't get in the kingdom at all. Shocking. The meaning of becoming like…
God has searched us and known us. Among the many things He knows about us are the many ways we think of ourselves and the ways He thinks of us.…
To touch or not to touch? It is a contemporary theme. Jesus touched people a lot and welcomed their touch. There were and are risks associated with touch. There are…