We need a priest! Jesus is that Priest, serving us before God. He presents His sacrifice and speaks on our behalf. We can trust Him to represent us successfully, to…
We look at the Great High Priest that we have: Jesus Christ. We look at His unique qualifications. We draw great encouragement from His fitness to serve on our behalf,…
In Wesley's carol "Let Earth and Heaven Combine" he speaks of God's Son coming to earth "to make us all divine", that "man shall all be lost in God". Peter…
We contemplate the great love of God shown in sending His Son - God's philanthropy in the Epiphany. As Wesley wrote: Unsearchable the love/ that hath the Saviour brought. A…
We look at the first 2 verses of Wesley's Carol: Let earth and Heaven combine, Angels and men agree, To praise in songs divine The incarnate Deity, Our God contracted…
Tired of political machinations? Come and see the dignity and glory of Jesus on trial before the politicians of Jerusalem. He unites them in opposition. He shows them the nature…
Looking at John 11v45-53 under the headings Division, Deliberation, Intervention, Determination, Intention, Substitution, Prediction, Diversification, Unification!!!
Following on from last week, where we discovered that the bible teaches that all Christians are saints, and that sinner is the word for those who are not Christians, we…
We think about how society uses the words 'saint' and 'sinner', and how Christians tend to use them. We then place a radical challenge before us to use the words…
There are many reasons why Jesus might not want to eat Passover with the disciples. Yet He says He wants to. To understand why we need to look away from…