The New Testament Church was a Caring Church. This was particularly shown by money raised from the sale of property being used to provide welfare support for widows. We think…
Continuing to think about the Practice of the New Born Church. They prayed. Nothing unusual in that, but how they prayed is a challenge. We look at 5 characteristics of…
We've looked at the foundations of the church in Jesus Himself, in the Full Jesus Experience of the Apostles, and in the Power of the Holy Spirit. When people realise…
The Church's Foundation in Jesus, the Apostles and the Holy Spirit has been laid. How can people today enter into the Full Jesus Experience that brings all of Jesus -…
The church is built on the foundation of the apostles. But it is doomed because they are not savvy, rousing leaders, and their message is already history and it is…
This Series on the original Christian Church at Jerusalem seeks to apply what the 'Mother' church was like to our own churches. We begin by looking at the foundations of…
We must hear Jesus for ourselves and make up our minds then, rather than going on hearsay. in this chapter are many examples of how people miss out on realising…
Like Job we easily fall into thinking we know what we should think about God and about what He brings into our lives. Time to listen to God and repent…
Do we know ourselves? Often we make wrong assumptions which lead us to the wrong conclusions. If we trust our assumptions we become blind to truth. We need to come…