We long for a world where there is no suffering or decay. The Christian hope, based on Jesus' resurrection, is for such a world: a renewed creation for renewed people.…
Adam and Eve walked with God. God delighted to walk with them. How shame came into the relationship. How God is working to overcome our shame. Walking with Jesus now…
At present there is beauty and ugliness in the world. Where did they both come from? How can ugliness be removed? By art? By Jesus? The beauty of the age…
The history of food in the bible is briefly scanned. The way food exposes our sinfulness is revealed. The place of food in the new creation is explained. Salvation from…
Man is made in God's image. This means he is personal, plural, relational, communal and regnal. In today's culture our humanity is under attack. This is really an attack on…
A brief history of human population growth. The present population crisis. God is gathering the population for the new creation. There is birth and death at present. There will be…
God rested after the work of creation. He made us to work too, and so He provided us with a weekly day of rest. Following the rhythm He has set…
The first thing God says about why He made man is that he will rule the earth. This implies Sovereignty, Stewardship, Subduing and Serving. Man's rule has so far been…