The Pandemic has brought many changes to society and to the church, just as Jesus' coming brought in a new kingdom. How we respond to those changes reveals the desires…
There are many voices clamouring for our attention these days, and many that won't do us good. How is God speaking today and how can we hear Him personally?
This message is about what happens when you bring a politically incorrect gospel message into national life. We look at the prophet (Jeremiah), the priests and false prophets, the people…
Mary Magdalene fits in with the company of the apostles and of Jesus' family, in that days-long prayer meeting. She is accepted as a mature believer in and follower of…
Jeremiah counsels his people to choose the good, old, known ways of the Mosaic covenant. We apply this to the choices we make and to our need to choose the…
Because our hearts are hard by nature we cannot believe or obey the gospel. Yet God commands us to repent and believe. This is because He is willing to give…
Jeremiah begins his preaching ministry in the midst of King Josiah's religious reforms. Even the people of his home village plot to kill him. He learns that reforms which are…
The difference between a hard and a loving heart is very far-reaching. We look at the symptoms of the Pharisees hard hearts and apply this to our own hearts and…
We begin a short series looking at some of the main themes and highlights of Jeremiah. In chapter 1 he is called to his work by God. 5 stages of…