The Holy Spirit in us is like having Jesus still with us physically. He encapsulates the truth: if God is for us who can be against us? His presence with…
It seems pointless and cruel for God to call Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. That is until we see the parallels with God sacrificing His Son for us. Then we see…
Don't insist on God showing you more before you make a commitment - what you have already is enough for that. Recognise the Father is at work in the cross…
Only trusting Jesus can give us peace in the midst of troubles. Where the Father lives there is plenty of room for us. WE need Jesus to prepare for us…
The world is full of cynical people. They look only on this world and sooner or later the people and pleasures of this world let them down. This leads to…
Jesus commands us to love as He has loved us. He is not talking about a feeling, the way love is usually treated in popular culture. He shows us what…