The young Daniel of Chapter 1 has become the old Daniel of Chapter 6, and he is still a faithful man of prayer. Kings have risen and fallen, but our…
One of the most helpful things we can have is the vision of God. We'll have it in our eternal future with Him and we'll be happy then. If we…
What is the reality of death for all involved in a family of Christian love? We see how God's mercy is seen whatever happens. We try to understand what our…
When we act like we can judge God's wisdom or character in relation to the things that happen in the world or in our lives, we easily get into difficulty…
Because our hearts are hard by nature we cannot believe or obey the gospel. Yet God commands us to repent and believe. This is because He is willing to give…
The difference between a hard and a loving heart is very far-reaching. We look at the symptoms of the Pharisees hard hearts and apply this to our own hearts and…
We attempt to explain the nature of Melchizedek's priesthood, and that Jesus is of his order and therefore qualified to represent us. We urge confidence in Him.